
Beauty at The Fragrance Shop

in Beauty, Skincare, Trends


Welcome to a Monday full of exciting things. Like a brand-new week, a brand-new season (yes, its the first day of autumn!) and of course, our Indulge List. This week we’re featuring mainly skincare products and tools, so that you…

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in Beauty, Makeup, Skincare


It’s Monday, and that only means one thing… Indulge Beauty’s Indulge List. Another week has come around, so, naturally, we’ve put a list together for you to lust over. Our selection of makeup and skincare products will be the only…

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in Beauty, Inspiration, Makeup, Skincare


Happy Monday, Happy Indulge List. We’re back with our weekly Indulge List from Indulge Beauty! Five carefully selected products that we know will help you through the week ahead. From skincare to beauty and makeup, there’s something for everyone here….

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in Beauty, Inspiration, Makeup, Skincare


Happy payday Monday! With our bank accounts feeling fresh from payday, there’s no excuse not to treat yourself this Monday to something from our Indulge List. We’ve got new brands for you to shop fantastic new products from, and a…

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in Beauty, Inspiration, Makeup, Skincare


It might be Bank Holiday, but our Indulge List doesn’t stop. If you’re lying in bed, hungover after a long weekend of Bank Holiday fun, we’ve got the perfect thing to keep your dizzy brain occupied… Our Indulge List is…

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