Feeling lost without your gym? Here are our favourite ways to get a free workout while we’re at home.

Right now, lots of things are feeling a little uncertain and if, like us, you like to get rid of some steam and stress in the gym, the chances are you might be a little lost right now. It’s super important, now and always, that you look after your mental and physical health, and exercises ticks both those boxes. While we can’t access our local gyms, and if you’re not one for outdoor running, there are still things you can do to get your daily dose of serotonin. Social media is turning into a hub of helpfulness, right when we need it, and plenty of free workouts that are doable from home are being shared. Here are some of our favourites.


Gymshark are offering to help you train like an athlete with a whole range of workout videos that you can copy at home. They’re using their expertise and professional experience to plans and tutorials to help us, all we need to do is focus and practise. Right now, Gymshark are giving these plans to us for free so that we don’t feel like we’re missing the gym too much. Find HIIT workout plans, full body workouts and more, all of which you can do from your own home.


Joe Wicks, A.K.A. The Body Coach is not new on the workout scene. He launched his YouTube channel a few years ago featuring HIIT workouts that you can do wherever you are. His no equipment exercises are doable for anyone of any age, any ability and can be done from literally anywhere.


Class Pass has suffered with all of it’s featured gyms closing, so they’ve given us the chance to do workouts from videos on their app instead. They have up to 2,000 free videos available to work from, as well as audio workouts. Easily accessible and able to be done anywhere, these workouts will make you feel like you’ve just been to your favourite Class Pass class.


If The Gym is your local gym, you might well already follow them on Instagram. Both their main Instagram page and their many local ones are featuring workouts that are done by their trainers, that you can easily do at home. Equipment or not, you choose. Follow the exercises and make up your own workout routines in the comfort of your living room.


Pure Gym have announced an Instagram Live timetable, on which they’ll be doing live workouts every day of the week. If you miss the live version, worry not! They’ve promised that all workouts will be featured within their highlights or on their main Instagram feed afterwards. No gym? No problem – do these at home or in the garden.


If you’re part of a gym and the gym community, you might well follow some of the personal trainers on social media. So many fitness trainers and health and fitness influencers are trying to help us out in this gym-less time by posting various exercises and workouts on their platforms. Some of them live, some of them might be separate videos explaining certain exercises, whatever it is, they’re there to help.

Feature image: Burst from Pexels